February 2023 Newsletter: Optimizing Lab Operations to Prevent Burnout and Staff Shortages

If you’re a pathologist, chances are you’ve felt burnout at some point during your career. In fact, there’s a really good chance that burnout is affecting you today. That's according to a poll conducted by the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and published by the American Journal of Clinical Pathology

Unfortunately, that's not surprising. Anxiety and stress among pathologists are on the rise as they collectively deal with a rise in cases, a lack of qualified personnel to share the workload, and a tightening of internal budgets. 

So what can be done?

At LigoLab we believe that adding automation to anatomic pathology workflows and processes is the answer to preventing stress and burnout in the laboratory and we plan to demonstrate this when we host a webinar at the end of March.

We'll have more webinar details to share soon. In the meantime, please save the date below. 

LigoLab Webinar - Save the Date

Optimizing Lab Operations to Prevent Burnout & Shortages

Tuesday, March 28

1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific

We are also interested in hearing suggestions from you for future webinar topics. Have an idea or suggestion that you'd like to share? Then contact us at info@LigoLab.com.

Explore LigoLab's All-in-One Laboratory Management Solution - You'll Be Glad You Did

LigoLab Operating Platform is infinitely configurable and it features supporting engines that enable users to build custom rules and organized workflows that automate complex processes, reduce manual touchpoints, improve turnaround times, and provide real-time visibility into both operational and financial performance. Ready to sunset your current LIS and modernize? Then click the button below to request a 15-minute intro call with a product specialist.


New LIS System Enhancements and Features on Display at User Group 23

For LigoLab users who missed our recent User Group Conference, here's a helpful summary of what's new with the LIS. For more details, or if your lab is ready for a software upgrade to take advantage of what's new, please contact us at Support@LigoLab.com. 


Helpful LigoLab Resources - All Just a Click Away

The plain truth is the majority of LIS users are unhappy or unsatisfied with their LISs. Common problems like insufficient functionality and inefficient manual workflows create barriers that frustrate staff and threaten the overall livelihood of the business.

These are problems that come with legacy systems that are rigid and outdated. Fortunately, not all LISs are created equally, and modern LIS systems excel where legacy systems can't in terms of performance, reliability, and scalability. 

We invite you to check out the following resources and compare your current system with what a modern LIS system can offer. 

White Papers

Case Studies

Product Overview Videos

Also, if a software implementation is on your horizon, here's another good resource put together recently with the help of Clinical Lab Products. It's a list of 7 best practices to follow for a successful LIS install.


About LigoLab

LigoLab is an award-winning provider of innovative end-to-end healthcare software for pathology laboratories, servicing 200+ facilities nationwide. As a comprehensive enterprise-grade solution, the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform™ includes modules for anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, molecular diagnostics, revenue cycle management, and direct-to-consumer, all on one powerful and integrated platform that supports every role, every department, and every case. LigoLab empowers laboratories to better serve patients, differentiate themselves in the marketplace, scale their operations, and become more compliant, and more profitable.


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