
Advanced LIS Systems and Veterinary Diagnostics Support

Advanced LIS Systems and Veterinary Diagnostics Support

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Pet ownership is rising in the U.S. and so is the need for quality healthcare, including veterinary diagnostics.

First, let’s get a sense of the growing demand. After that, we’ll dive into which laboratory information system companies are best equipped to support veterinary-specific features.

Americans Love Their Pets!

So just how popular is pet ownership in the U.S.?

In a recent study, the American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 66 percent of households (86.9 million homes) own a pet or pets. 

According to the APPA, dogs are the most popular pets in the U.S., representing 65.1 million households. Cat ownership ranks second (46.5 million households).

Also noteworthy, Americans spent $136.8 billion on their pets in 2022 (up 11 percent from 2021).

A significant portion of that increased spending can also be attributed to pet insurance which has steadily gained popularity. At year-end 2023, the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA) said 5.7 million pets were insured (up 17 percent from 2022). 

Advancements in veterinary medicine have kept pace with increasing pet ownership. Treatment has become much more sophisticated, and much like with humans, a greater emphasis has been put on preventive care and early diagnosis from detailed laboratory analysis. 

Next, we’ll explore how independent reference labs and veterinary practices can benefit from this growth pattern by enhancing their diagnostic capabilities with a modern, comprehensive, and flexible LIS laboratory information system (medical LIS). An advanced LIS system software with scalable veterinary features that simplify workflow for a wide variety of animal diagnostic labs. 

Laboratory Information System Functions and Capabilities Best Suited for Veterinary Labs 

Let’s start with the most important attribute of advanced LIS system software regardless of whether it’s in a human or veterinary pathology setting: adaptability. 

Veterinary pathologists have very similar needs to human pathologists, so it’s no surprise that the laboratory information systems and LIS software vendors rated best by both are flexibly built and feature-rich. 

Much like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, laboratory information system companies with rigid LIS systems simply can’t keep up with emerging LIS technologies, let alone support a growing vet pathology practice with unique needs and aggressive growth goals. 

Legacy LIS systems that lack configurability only offer partial solutions that require lab workflow management workarounds with third-party lab vendors. That’s less than ideal for a vet path practice that needs highly efficient and modern pathology lab software to manage growing sample volumes and build its business around. 

Learn More: LigoLab: Shaping the Future of Clinical Labs & Pathology Groups

On the contrary, modern LIS systems like the LigoLab Informatics Platform excel in configurability and have been engineered to adapt to a specific lab’s environment, regardless of the type of testing or the type of patient the lab caters to. 

So instead of settling for outdated vet pathology software that’s not perfectly aligned with the lab’s needs, those searching for the best LIS should seek a LIS system that supports veterinary features and lab workflow while being fully interoperable with the lab’s internal instrumentation and other external software systems. 

LigoLab’s Veterinary Features 

For example, LigoLab’s “Veterinary Mode” gives vet pathology teams access to key features that streamline lab workflow management for all veterinary specimens.

  • Unlimited fields for animal definitions (species, breed, gender, etc.).
  • Workflow tracking of detailed pet information, including their guardians’ contact information and relationship to the pet.
  • Configurable workflows tailored to different species to ensure accurate and efficient processing of veterinary samples.
  • A comprehensive animal information screen for all relevant case information (owner information, spayed/neutered, tracking number, test results, etc.).
  • Report templates that include animal-specific reference intervals and classification (taxonomy).  
  • A specimen handling, tracking, and security module that assigns a unique identifier to each sample and offers real-time visibility throughout processing.
  • A configurable rule engine and sophisticated automation engine that create workflow automation, enhancing efficiency and decision-making (supports reflex testing, workflow changes, document generation, case flagging, etc.).
  • Fully customizable report templates that satisfy customer design (pixel-level accuracy, full color, rich text, images, diagrams, annotations, macros, and voice dictation) and delivery preferences (fax, email, SMS, remote print server, portal, etc).
  • An interface engine to seamlessly integrate with existing veterinary practice management systems and streamline operations and data sharing.
  • A secure provider portal for customers to remotely order lab work and view lab test results.
  • A searchable database with advanced filters that support queries for instant case retrieval and data analysis.
  • A quality control module that supports Westgard Rules and other QC methodologies. 
  • A secure portal for pet owners to access their pets’ medical records, test results, and other relevant information.

Modern Anatomic Pathology LIS Systems and the Growing Demand for Veterinary Medicine

Just as the demand for human diagnostics testing has never been higher, the same can be said for veterinary medicine where error-free sample tracking, swift test turnaround times, compliance with industry standards, and accurate results remain paramount to customer and patient satisfaction. 

Modern anatomic pathology LIS systems go beyond the basics and offer vet pathology groups additional features and functionalities such as:

Multi-Species Support: Unlike human medical labs, veterinary pathologists work with samples from various species, each having unique physiological traits and diagnostic needs. Because of this, they need an advanced pathology information system capable of handling diverse data sets specific to different species.

Customizable Workflow: Flexible LIS system software offers crucial lab workflow customization for veterinary pathology groups performing a wide range of testing protocols and procedures (from routine blood work to complex histopathology).

Robust Data Management: As noted earlier, veterinary pathologists deal with large amounts of complex and diverse data, making it imperative to have access to advanced anatomic pathology software with data management tools that support easy access, retrieval, and analysis of this data.

Image Management: Diagnostic imaging remains a core component of veterinary pathology, and the best LIS systems check the box here with advanced image management tools that allow for easy viewing, annotating, and sharing of diagnostic images.

User-Friendly Interface: Quick and accurate diagnoses save lives so having a modern LIS pathology system with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that minimizes errors and computer clicks leads to shorter turnaround times, faster treatment plans, healthier animals, and happier pet owners. 

The importance of LIS system scalability should also be noted. Scalable anatomic pathology LIS software allows the vet lab to grow and evolve to accommodate increased volumes and potential new diagnostic technologies.

Learn More: The Best Laboratory Information System Companies and the Advantages They Offer to Their Laboratory Clients

Aligned LIS System Pricing Should Also Be Considered

Another key factor to consider when engaging laboratory information system vendors is price. 

The best LIS pathology software systems come with aligned pricing structures designed to give vet labs the management tools they need to be successful without being cash-poor and over budget.

In the past, it was common for LIS system vendors to demand large upfront cash payments and limits on features, seats, and software support, but that doesn’t have to be the case any longer thanks to progressive pricing that allows vet labs to purchase top-notch and full-featured anatomic pathology LIS solutions that cater to their specific needs rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.  

Learn More: LigoLab Informatics Platform: Uniquely Designed Tiered Pricing to Deliver Maximum Value

See Why LigoLab is the Right Choice for Your Veterinary Lab

Full-featured and highly adaptable LIS lab information system software represents the best fit for veterinary pathology groups seeking a robust and affordable pathology lab management solution. 

To learn more about LigoLab’s advanced veterinary pathology solution and LIS system pricing, contact a LigoLab product specialist today. Ask about the system’s versatility and customizability, how it seamlessly integrates with other systems, and how it supports growing pathology groups with powerful automation and robust reporting and analytics, all backed by an expert team of support engineers that will ensure your lab staff is properly trained to leverage the LIS system’s full capabilities. 


Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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