
LigoLab FAQs

LigoLab FAQs

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Does the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform have the capacity to handle the workload of our fast-growing clinical laboratory or pathology practice? 

What advantages do medical labs receive from a fully integrated LIS laboratory information system and laboratory revenue cycle management (lab RCM) software solution? 

Can this all-in-one platform help our laboratory become more productive and profitable?

Can LigoLab digitally transform our laboratory by replacing manual labor and errors with automation and transparency?

Can this informatics platform deliver results that eliminate pain and frustration and fuel efficiency and business growth? 

For answers, we invite you to check out this list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

What are the differences between LIS Systems and LIMS systems?

Laboratory information systems (LIS abbreviation medical; LIS systems) and laboratory information management systems (LIMS lab management software; lab LIMS) are related diagnostic lab software systems laboratories use to manage informatics.

LIS systems are designed to prevent medical errors and manage clinical diagnostic testing within a healthcare environment. Lab information systems track, store, and manage patient demographics and the clinical tests associated with each patient’s specimen. They also generate and send reports with test results to physicians for patient care. 

LIMS lab management software is designed for use in other (non-medical) analytical testing environments like research laboratories and the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. These laboratory software systems focus on the sample (rather than the patient in our LIS system example) and process and analyze large batches or groups of sample data. 

Learn More: LIMS vs LIS: What are the Differences Between Laboratory Information Management Systems and Laboratory Information Systems 

What is Laboratory Revenue Cycle Management?

Laboratory revenue cycle management (RCM or lab RCM) is the financial process that healthcare facilities use to identify, collect, and manage revenue from payers based on services provided. Lab RCM software includes the administrative and clinical functions associated with revenue generation through claims processing and payment, and it begins with the initial appointment or encounter. The RCM process (or laboratory billing process) ends when all claims and patient payments have been collected.

Learn More: Understanding the Real Costs of Non-Integrated RCM Systems

How did LigoLab get its name?

Ligo means ‘to unite or connect” in Latin, and that’s what the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform is designed to do. It connects, merges, and integrates every lab process and department into one united LIS software and lab billing infrastructure that transforms laboratories and becomes the focal point for all operations and finances.

Learn More: Navigating the Future of Pathology: The LigoLab Advantage

How long has LigoLab been in business as an LIS company?

LigoLab is a private and profitable LIS software company based in Los Angeles. The company has been helping pathology groups and clinical laboratories grow and thrive with innovative medical laboratory information system software solutions since 2006. LigoLab added its lab revenue cycle management (RCM) module to the platform in 2019, and its direct-to-consumer lab testing (TestDirectly and TestDirectly.com) in 2020.

Where is the LIS software development team based and how big is the LIS company?

LigoLab is headquartered in Los Angeles, and that’s also where the development team resides. As laboratory information system vendors go, the company is growing fast with nearly 100 employees supporting 250-plus medical laboratories nationwide.

Learn More: The Genesis of LigoLab:  What Started as a Shared Vision Between Friends Has Become the Definitive Information System Choice for Modern Laboratories

What are the driving forces behind the LigoLab Platform? 

LigoLab’s driving forces are real-time workflow queues with features such as automatic coding and TC/PC splitting, regulatory compliance protocols for every stage, and a comprehensive audit trail. With LigoLab, lab leaders gain the power to increase efficiency and revenue with complete accounts receivable control. They gain accounting insight and can create detailed statistical reports and dashboards to monitor trends and KPIs. LigoLab offers a powerful platform that unites laboratory information system functions and lab RCM workflows while supporting automation and rule-based solutions that deliver measurable results and improve a laboratory’s profitability.

Learn More: Reduce Denials and Stop Revenue Leakage With Integrated Laboratory Billing Management

How can LigoLab’s all-in-one platform help my lab become more profitable?

The LigoLab platform unites laboratory information system functions and laboratory billing workflows and utilizes automation, integration, and transparency to increase clean claims and decrease claim denials. The all-in-one platform addresses the industry-wide problem of claim denials caused by inaccurate or missing data resulting from human error and the complexities of manual claim processing.

With LigoLab, it’s possible to access the accurate information needed for a smooth and productive laboratory billing workflow at order inception. At that stage, verification and scrubbing components are shared by the LIS and RCM modules, and real-time patient and payer data verification tools are seamlessly integrated into a live queue-facilitated workflow to prevent rejections and denials.

Lab RCM has traditionally been looked at as a “back-end” process. However, this misguided view is changing as more and more laboratories realize the advantages of seamless interchange of data throughout the entire LIS system to lab RCM lifecycle.

Learn More: Leveraging LIS & RCM Integration to Improve the Laboratory Billing Process

What are the major benefits of integration with LigoLab’s all-in-one platform?‍

Having LIS & RCM modules on one united informatics platform with intuitive navigation and a built-in custom rule engine enables lab-to-billing and billing-to-lab workflow interconnection for claims processing. This leads to a reduction in errors, improved workflow efficiency, a decrease in payer rejections, an acceleration of cash flow, and an increase in margins and profit.

What sets LigoLab apart from the other laboratory information system companies?

The LigoLab platform automates and integrates the LIS system and lab RCM workflows on a powerful software infrastructure that is comprehensive and customizable. An expert team of developers, an experienced medical billing council, and decades of laboratory industry expertise support the LIS system software. The result for you and your lab is hands-on training, 24/7 customer service, customized and prompt solutions for your needs, and unparalleled client support to help your lab grow and thrive.

Does the LigoLab platform have the functionality to support the unique needs of my medical laboratory?

The LigoLab platform supports all diagnostic disciplines. It comes loaded with all the common workflows, reporting templates, macros, and rules. Next, our experienced implementation team works with you to tailor and streamline your lab workflow management to use the automation engine integrated throughout the platform.

How does LigoLab facilitate data verification, and prevent laboratory billing rejections and denials?

With LigoLab, verification and scrubbing tools shared by the LIS system and lab RCM modules go to work at order inception, providing accurate real-time patient and payer data that leads to clean claims. 

This live queue-facilitated workflow consolidates all relevant information, including the order and the specimen, the patient and the payer demographics, coding, billing, and remittance processing, all within LigoLab’s lab billing encounter (data entity).

How does the LigoLab platform help prevent clerical mistakes?

LigoLab’s platform addresses an industry-wide problem where approximately 35 percent of claim denials are caused by inaccurate or missing data resulting from human error and the complexities of manual claim processing. LigoLab’s all-in-one platform ensures seamless data interchange throughout the LIS system to lab RCM lifecycle. The platform prevents clerical mistakes with extensive data validation tools and error scrubbing powered by a built-in and robust rule engine.

Does LigoLab have the capacity to handle my lab’s high-volume workload?

LigoLab’s robust laboratory information system software solution can handle high-volume sites that generate over 500,000 billed tests annually. LigoLab is scalable and the platform grows with you as your lab grows and thrives. The highly scalable platform is designed to deliver results for labs, no matter their size or growth plans.

Can qualified users modify LigoLab’s standard laboratory information system functions and features?

Yes, the platform can be tailored to fit any lab’s specific needs and we empower users to make process improvement changes without external help.

What’s LigoLab’s approach to laboratory information system software updates?

LigoLab’s standard monthly software license fee includes all LIS software updates, typically made available every quarter. LigoLab clients are not required to install updates on a set schedule. They also are not subject to charges for LIS software modifications deemed necessary to comply with federal and state government regulations. These modifications are part of LigoLab’s regular software updates and are included at no extra charge.

How is LigoLab’s platform deployed?

LigoLab’s platform is powered by enterprise-level laboratory information system software that can be deployed as a cloud-based or server-based offering. The platform runs on all operating systems and does not require a VPN connection.  

Learn More: LigoLab’s LIS Software Offers Server Flexibility

How can LigoLab help my laboratory billing department become more efficient?

LigoLab’s rule-operated laboratory information system software adheres to AMA and Medicare policies, custom commercial payer requirements, and individual client lab billing provisions. The platform also delivers automation tools that improve denial and appeal management and greatly improve laboratory billing department efficiency.  

Does LigoLab integrate with third-party services?

LigoLab’s platform leverages bidirectional synchronization with third-party services that facilitate real-time patient demographic lookups, eligibility checks, and insurance discovery. LigoLab’s third-party integrated platform works efficiently with mailing companies, clearinghouses, national NPI registries, and payment processors.

How are reports and statements distributed within the LigoLab platform?

The platform’s distribution engine accommodates numerous vehicles for statement and report deliveries. They can be faxed, printed, and sent via secure email or SMS, plus through LigoLab Connect (the platform’s laboratory outreach software). They can also be sent via an EHR interface, a patient portal, and a remote print server. Every distribution option is built into the platform and available to LigoLab users as part of their licensing agreement.

Most laboratory clients will use LigoLab Connect because it’s very convenient. It’s easy to install as a desktop application. It’s an extension of LigoLab, enabling users to directly connect with the platform to order tests, pull results, preview reports, and send faxes.  

Does LigoLab provide a list of installed client sites to potential customers upon request?

In all our years of business, we’ve never lost a client to a competitor, and our best marketing voice continues to be our satisfied and loyal customers. Upon request and after signing a nondisclosure agreement, we provide potential customers with a complete list of clients they can use as references.

What new features can customers look forward to from LigoLab soon?

No day goes by without LigoLab’s talented development team adding a feature or enhancement to the platform. In the coming months, users can look forward to more automation to support the lab RCM/lab billing module, increased usability and process improvements for the direct-to-consumer portal lab testing portal, and advanced data capture functionality. 

What’s the programming language for LigoLab’s LIS software and what operating system should I use with the software?

LigoLab deploys a desktop Java application supported by a Microsoft SQL database. The application runs on both Mac and Windows operating systems. The installed application includes full transaction logging and can be reconstructed after a disk crash.

Does LigoLab use third-party middleware for LIS software and instrument interfaces?

No, we do not. LigoLab interfaces directly.

Does LigoLab use SNOMED CT for all cases?

Yes, our platform supports SNOMED CT codes for all cases.

Does LigoLab automatically absorb and apply electronic updates of tables and rules from various organizations or government agencies?

Yes. Examples of this are LOINC codes and CPT additions. Our platform provides an indexed field in every test definition for the seven-digit LOINC code, plus we provide clients with a copy of the current LOINC dictionary as part of every new installation.

Does the LigoLab platform allow captured images to be displayed in lab reports?

Yes, the LigoLab platform supports this and other elements like diagrams, annotations, and rich text in full color. Every application embedded in the laboratory information system is licensed and loaded for you to use.

Does LigoLab have a user group that meets regularly?

Yes, we engage users in person regularly. Additionally, we engage with an Advisory Board of users, host webinars, and conduct regular conference calls.

Are you interested in learning more about LigoLab’s LIS system software?

To learn more about LigoLab's all-in-one laboratory information system software platform and its customizable modules for anatomic pathology (pathology LIS systems), clinical laboratory (LIS medical), molecular diagnostics (LIS molecular), lab revenue cycle management (lab RCM), and direct-to-consumer lab testing (TestDirectly and TestDirectly.com) click here to schedule a software demonstration or visit us online at LigoLab.com.

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