
LigoLab’s Collection Model Combines LIS & RCM Workflows to Maximize Clean Claims and Laboratory Payments

LigoLab’s Collection Model Combines LIS & RCM Workflows to Maximize Clean Claims and Laboratory Payments

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Los Angeles, CA, August 7, 2020 - Using patchwork solutions to connect Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, and Billing/Revenue Cycle Management systems that all exist as separate entities allow laboratories to get by, but at what cost? These arrangements are expensive to maintain, inefficient, prone to inconsistent data, and ultimately lead to billing issues as critical information is transferred from one system to the other. 

So what’s the solution? 

An operating system that supports and streamlines the complete life cycle of all laboratory operations and promotes business growth. 

The LigoLab LIS & RCM operating platform removes the silos and connects, merges, and integrates every lab process and department through an all-in-one system that becomes the focal point for all lab operations (administrative, technical, and financial). It modernizes labs by automating processes, streamlining workflows, and eliminating human errors. Most importantly, it ensures data integrity and enables laboratories to embrace a new collection model. 

With LigoLab’s fully-integrated platform, Lab Operators have the power to combine the LIS and RCM workflows and start the billing process as the order is received rather than after the report is finalized. This front-end billing model is possible thanks to features like real-time third-party integrations that allow laboratories to auto-code and validate all claims before they are submitted to payers, and real-time payment queues that provide laboratories with full operational transparency so claims no longer fall through the cracks and every case is resolved.

For partner labs using the LigoLab all-in-one platform, these features have translated into clean claims paid on the first submission over 98 percent of the time, and overall revenue increases of 30 percent or more (adjusted for growth) without added operating costs. 


To learn more about the LigoLab operating platform and front-end billing, contact Michael Kalinowski at 310-227-7503 or michaelk@LigoLab.com. You can also learn more at LigoLab.com/RevenueCycleManagement.

TestDirectly links Patients, Laboratories, Collection Centers, Physicians, Employers, and Government Agencies for Efficient COVID-19 Collection, Testing, and Reporting:

Is your laboratory currently processing COVID-19 tests or does it have plans to do so in the near future?

LigoLab Information System has developed a web portal called TestDirectly that connects patients, physicians, employers, government agencies, and collection centers with laboratories for efficient and effective testing. The portal supports contactless workflows for drive-through and on-site/dispatched collections, and it also relieves labs from having to manually enter orders and from having to follow-up with any cases.

Learn more here by scheduling a TestDirectly software demonstration or by visiting Solutions.TestDirectly.com.

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