
LigoLab’s Grossing Workstation Window

LigoLab’s Grossing Workstation Window

Table of Contents:

  1. Text Link
    1. Text Link

The Grossing Workstation Window is a powerful tool inside the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform that allows grossing technicians to interact at a per specimen level with a case. 

In this tutorial video, you’ll see the following.

  • How the Grossing Window and its numeric touchpad launches within the LigoLab application
  • How a simple scan of a barcode brings up the bottle container and case information (patient name, accession/result ID, site, and specimen received)
  • How the Gross Description Template Dropdown Menu is linked to the selected site
  • How voice-to-text pathology dictation software and a stylus or a gloved finger can be utilized to fulfill the necessary components of the gross description
  • How LigoLab supports the grossing description field with programmed voice-to-text commands, abbreviations, and macros

With the LIS system tools provided by LigoLab’s Grossing Workstation Window, many pathology groups have repurposed transcriptionists to review what the grossing techs are directly inputting into the cases. 

The Grossing Workstation Window is another example of how the LigoLab Platform enables its laboratory partners to enhance patient care, differentiate themselves in the marketplace, scale their operations, and become more compliant and profitable.

Enhance Lab Workflow Management with LigoLab’s LIS Software 

‍LigoLab is an award-winning provider of innovative end-to-end medical LIS software for pathology groups and clinical laboratories, servicing nearly 300 facilities nationwide. 

As a comprehensive enterprise-grade LIS software solution, the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform™ includes modules for anatomic pathology (anatomic pathology LIS), clinical pathology (LIS medical), molecular diagnostics (molecular LIS), lab revenue cycle management (lab RCM), and direct-to-consumer lab testing (TestDirectly and TestDirectly.com), all on one powerful and integrated platform that supports every role, every department, and every case. 

LigoLab empowers medical laboratories to enhance patient care, differentiate themselves in the marketplace, scale their operations, and become more compliant and profitable.

Learn More: Navigating the Future of Pathology: The LigoLab Advantage

Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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