
Ligolab’s unique pricing model and fully integrated LIS + RCM platform empowers laboratories to grow and thrive

Ligolab’s unique pricing model and fully integrated LIS + RCM platform empowers laboratories to grow and thrive

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Los Angeles, CA (November 21, 2019) - LigoLab LLC is a thriving business that specializes in software development for pathology laboratories, no matter the size.  LigoLab competes with the giants of the laboratory industry thanks to its unique pricing model and its all-in-one Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platform, LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM.  

Ligo in Latin means “to unite,” and that’s exactly what LigoLab does for laboratories as the comprehensive platform transforms Anatomic Pathology (AP), Clinical Pathology (CP) and Molecular Diagnostics (MDx) labs into information-driven, connected and flourishing businesses thanks to improved efficiency, client services and patient care. LigoLab goes beyond core workflow support by providing billing and revenue cycle management on a single integrated software infrastructure.  

LigoLab’s unique pricing model sets it apart from the competition.  The privately owned and profitable company asks for no large upfront capital investments, instead it shares risk with its clients through a transactional pricing model that allows clients to leverage the system to stimulate growth.    

The LigoLab platform modernizes laboratories by streamlining the laboratory process, improving workflow and eliminating human error and lost specimens. It’s intuitive and easy to learn, accessible from anywhere at any time and scalable.  It drives business growth, reduces labor costs and increases revenue. 

For more information visit LigoLab.com.  

To request a LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM demonstration, contact Suren Avunjian at (818) 395-4659 or suren@ligolab.com.

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