
Scale your business and improve an important business metric by partnering with LigoLab for your LIS solution

Scale your business and improve an important business metric by partnering with LigoLab for your LIS solution

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In a recent article featured on Entrepreneur.com, Daniel Priestly asked if you, as a business owner, would rather enter a tree-felling competition with a highly-motivated team of lumberjacks with sharp axes or low-skilled and barely motivated teenagers with industrial-strength chainsaws. 

Priestly used this comparison to show that technology, and not motivation, is the leading factor for successful business owners.  He views Revenue-Per-Person (calculated as total revenue divided by the total number of full-time employees) as a key metric and a true indicator of how successful a business is likely to be.  In the article, he presented several examples (Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft) to drive home the fact that technology-driven businesses earn more revenue per employee and are thereby more likely to succeed. 

Now let’s take RPP and apply it to the Pathology Industry, where the trend is consolidation and pathologists are constantly under pressure to improve efficiency thanks to higher patient volumes and lower margins.  Add to that the fact that payers continue to make it difficult to receive reimbursement for services rendered, and you can see why it’s essential that modern day labs adopt innovative technologies and processes to improve relationships with customers and partners, streamline operations and maximize the value of their employees. 

At LigoLab (from Latin ligo means “to unite”) , we offer the all-in-one AP/LIS platform as an essential tool that will increase RPP in your business and position your lab for future growth by increasing efficiency and giving you the ability to easily bring new lines of revenue into your organization.    

Let’s highlight three ways LigoLab can improve your RPP and future-proof your lab.  

 LigoLab’s Integrated And Comprehensive Operating Platform

LigoLab’s software platform supports Anatomic, Clinical and Diagnostic workflows, plus a Revenue Cycle Management module, all in the same system.  This integration eliminates the common inefficiencies associated with tying multiple systems together with interfaces and bridge solutions.  

LigoLab gives you the power to modernizes your laboratory by streamlining the laboratory process, improving workflows and eliminating human error and lost specimens.  It’s intuitive and easy to learn, accessible from anywhere at any time and scalable.  It drives business growth, reduces labor costs and increases revenue while also improving patient care and patient satisfaction. 

 LigoLab’s Sub-Licensing Agreement  

LigoLab encourages its clients to sub-license to their customers the full capabilities of the LigoLab integrated platform (LIS + RCM) at no additional cost.  This means that a LigoLab client has the ability, at its sole discretion, to offer LIS capabilities to its own customers for their use and benefit. 

Imagine having a complete and configurable LIS solution with an integrated RCM that you can offer to other pathology groups, helping them become more efficient while improving the bottom line of your business?  This client-friendly agreement between LigoLab and its partners has proven to be a game changer for forward thinking business owners. 

LigoLab’s Shared Risk Pricing Model

 “We help labs grow and thrive.”

That’s more than just a mission statement.  It’s a core principle for our company.  We invest in our partner labs through a transactional pricing model (charge per case) with no large upfront capital investment.  This gives labs the innovation and technology needed to quickly arm their operations with our powerful solution and without a large and prohibitive upfront expenditure.

At LigoLab, we bet on you and your lab and we support you every step of the way. 

We at LigoLab are committed to supporting your goals and to meeting the current and future demands of your stakeholders.  

We provide the solution that empowers your employees to be more powerful and productive, and our platform, sub-licensing agreement and shared risk pricing model open up new lines of revenue for you to scale quickly while increasing the RPP of your full-time employees. 

LigoLab LLC is a thriving business in Los Angeles that specializes in software licensing for pathology and clinical laboratories, no matter the size.  LigoLab competes with the giants of the laboratory industry thanks to its unique pricing model and its all-in-one Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platform, the LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM.

For more information visit LigoLab.com. To request a LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM demonstration, contact Suren Avunjian at (818) 395-4659 or suren@ligolab.com.

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