
Start Processing COVID-19 Tests While We Take Care of the Rest

Start Processing COVID-19 Tests While We Take Care of the Rest

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At LigoLab, our mission statement is to “help labs grow and thrive,” but in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the damage that it continues to cause to our healthcare community and our economy, we’ve shifted our short-term focus to stopping the spread of COVID-19 while also still providing the support that our client labs have come to expect. 

That’s why we’re calling on your lab to join our community, leverage our LIS for free, and do your part to champion the increased COVID-19 testing capacity that the country desperately needs, all while protecting your lab’s revenue. 

First, a little background. 

For the past several weeks we’ve worked closely with many of our clients and as of mid-April, we reached a capacity of 35,000 COVID-19 tests per day within the LigoLab community of laboratories. That’s a great start, but more capacity is needed for us to open the country. With more testing, virus carriers will be identified and isolated sooner, and their contact with others will be more traceable. 

We’re encouraging more labs to join the fight. To help expedite the process and get labs up and running in just a matter of days, we’re offering the free use of our LIS to both existing clients, and all other labs interested in joining our cause. 

In addition, our network of labs has received business from Fortune 100 companies and governmental bodies to test employees and the general population, and the network is reaching capacity - it’s our hope that this capacity can be spread throughout an ever-expanding LigoLab network of laboratories to produce higher throughput and faster turnaround times. 

For current clients, we will continue to waive the cost associated with LIS integration of the FDA-approved high-throughput instruments that are performing the tests. For laboratories joining our network, we will waive LIS fees for implementation, hosting, and licensing. Both offers are good through the end of June. No strings attached. 

We also recognized early on that there was going to be a need for a direct-to-consumer testing option, so we started to develop the infrastructure (lab partnerships, drive-through collection, business-to-business testing workflow support) that’s become TestDirectly.com

Consumers can go to TestDirectly.com to check symptoms, self-register, consult with a doctor (via telemedicine) and then go to a designated laboratory drive-through to get fast, efficient, and safe test results without infecting others. Businesses can order testing for their employees using the portal and the platform manages the entire workflow, including all reporting and collection needs. 

Which lab the patient goes to is determined by zip code, and our goal is to partner with as many labs as possible so we can make the testing convenient and safe for all while also providing a revenue source for labs hit hard economically by COVID-19.  

As a company, we firmly believe that only through robust testing will people feel safe enough to transition back to their normal lives and go back to work. By working together, we can increase testing capacity, improve turnaround times, protect patients and healthcare workers, and do our part to prevent the further spread of this virus.

To learn more about our offers and our mission, contact Suren Avunjian at suren@LigoLab.com, call (818) 395-4659, or visit LigoLab.com

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